The Mission

The Vision
CPCS offers missions trips for secondary students to attend during mid-winter, spring and summer vacations. The foundational reason that we offer mission trips is to serve our Lord and Savior and to become the hands and feet of Jesus. In making this our priority, we can see more clearly His enormous sacrifice for us, and the great need for the lost to hear His message. When signing up for a trip, it’s easy to focus on the wrong things. Instead of wondering, “Which friends are on this trip?” we encourage students to ask: “How and where would God like me serve?”
We ask that students approach Him with humility when they pray about which team the Lord would have them join and to prepare in advance all kinds of encounters with people on missions trips. Our hope is to provide students with opportunities to encourage the downhearted, show love to the unlovely, bring joy to the broken, and shine light into the darkness. The school will do everything it can to provide the opportunity to serve with the love of Jesus in various ways.
“For Christ’s love compels us, because we are convinced that one died for all, and therefore all died. And he died for all, that those who live should no longer live for themselves but for him who died for them and was raised again.”
2 Corinthians 5:14-15
The Process
Students select their mission trip by submitting their application to Dr. Boyd. When assigning trips, priority is given to students in order of grade seniority and the date the student signed up. Students who are dating may not sign up for the same team. We pray diligently about who will be placed on each team, and ask that you also pray for God’s guidance in forming our mission teams. The Administrative and Campus Ministry Teams of Cedar Park will make the final decision in mission trip placement for each student.
If you would like to join a mission trip, please contact Dr. Boyd via email.
The Goals
- To develop a Biblical theology of missions and Christ-oriented service.
- To experience various types of mission trips.
- To develop compassion for the marginalized.
- To share our faith through both words and actions.
- To grow in the knowledge of God’s character.
- To minister locally and cross-culturally in order to develop an appreciation for all cultures and peoples.
- To discover and use our spiritual gifts and talents
- To minister as part of a team.
- To develop a lifestyle of service and prayer.
If you would like to join a mission trip or learn more about missions week, please contact Dr. Boyd via email for more information.