The intentional development of students is one of the most important things we do at Cedar Park Christian Schools. We believe that all teaching and training comes from God’s word and it is the source of all truth. The Bible inspires us to engage in academic pursuits with rigor, curiosity and humility. Our bible classes provide an educational and relational experience to help lead students, by the work of the Holy Spirit, to be followers of Jesus.
Bible Overview:
The explanation and memorization of Scripture in Pk – 5th grade helps students grow in building faith and trust in the Lord. Bible accounts and application stories challenge students to live a Godly life through the examples of Biblical characters. Prayer is also an important part of each class. Through daily prayer, students are encouraged to develop and strengthen their own relationship with the Lord.
The scope and sequence of the Bible within the elementary curriculum along with weekly chapel services is designed to prepare students to know and apply the Word of God. Higher thinking skills are developed in the Bible through discussion as students are challenged to judge between good and evil and right and wrong.

Bible Overview:
Secondary (Middle School and High School)
At CPCS, we hope to provide an academic environment for students to know God through Jesus Christ and to grow in their faith. God is a personal God who reveals to humanity His nature, purpose in history, and love for all creation. At the center of our faith is the crucified and risen Jesus Christ and our belief that “…the Son of God became a man so that humanity could become children of God” (Mere Christianity, C.S. Lewis). The curriculum along with the Bible provides the framework for a study of Scripture, thus creating the opportunity to apply Biblical principles and examples to the choices and issues students face each day.
The focus of our intentional classroom instruction consists of knowledge of the Bible, application of Scripture, and discernment to think and reason from a Biblical perspective. The ultimate goal is to help students formulate a Christ-centered worldview.
9th Grade: The Life of Christ
10th – 12th Grade: Yearly rotation of Biblical Studies (which combines Old and New Testament studies), Systematic Theology and Apologetics