If you are ready to start your journey with Cedar Park Christian Schools, please review the requirements below to begin the application process.


  1. Before applying: contact the campus you are interested in here to confirm space availability for the upcoming school year.
  2. Please review all Application Procedures below before you fill out the application. Make sure all required forms are ready to submit.
  3. Note: Returning students will be re-enrolled automatically. This application is for new students only.
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Application Procedures

We do not accept 12th grade applications.

Step 1.

Submit an online application and a non refundable application fee of $100 per student. 

Step 2.

Requirements to apply:

  • Students must be age 3, fully potty-trained and out of pullups
  • Copy of child’s birth certificate

Completed Immunization Form

Step 3.

Once we have received all documents, forms, and fees, the Preschool Office will contact you for next steps in the admissions process. This may include a student interview. The interview will be conducted in person at Cedar Park Christian School with the student and at least one parent attending. 

Step 4.

Enrollment is complete once the financial contract is signed and the tuition deposit is submitted to Cedar Park Christian School. 

While the Admission Office will assist with the completion of the admission application packet, it is ultimately the responsibility of the parent to return all of the required forms and student information before an admission decision can be made. Once the admission application packet is complete, the applicants’ file will be forwarded to the Admission Committee for review. 

Admission decisions are based on the strength of each applicant’s overall application compared with the overall pool of applicants.

Apply Online

Step 1.

Submit an online application and a non refundable application fee of $100 per student. 

Step 2.

Required forms to submit with your application:

  • Kindergarten (Must be 5 years of age before August 31st)
  • 1st – 5th Grade 
    • Copy of child’s birth certificate
    • Completed Immunization Form
    • Copy of most recent report card 

Step 3.

Once we have received all documents, forms, and fees, the Elementary Office will contact you for next steps in the admissions process. This may include a student interview, or testing and/or additional review of the student’s application. The interview will be conducted in person at Cedar Park Christian School with the student and at least one parent attending. 

Step 4.

Enrollment is complete once the financial contract is signed and the tuition deposit is submitted to Cedar Park Christian School.

While the Admission Office will assist with the completion of the admission application packet, it is ultimately the responsibility of the parent to return all of the required forms and student information before an admission decision can be made. Once the admission application packet is complete, the applicants’ file will be forwarded to the Admission Committee for review. 

Admission decisions are based on the strength of each applicant’s overall application compared with the overall pool of applicants.

Apply Online

Step 1.

Submit an online application and a non refundable application fee of $100 per student. 

Step 2.

Required forms to submit with your application:

  • Copy of child’s birth certificate
  • Completed Immunization Form 
  • Copy of most recent transcript
  • Standardized test scores

Step 3.

Once we have received all documents, forms, and fees, the Secondary Office will contact you for next steps in the admissions process. This may include a student interview, or testing and/or additional review of the student’s application. The interview will be conducted in person at Cedar Park Christian School with the student and at least one parent attending. 

Step 4.

Enrollment is complete once the financial contract is signed and the tuition deposit is submitted to Cedar Park Christian School.

While the Admission Office will assist with the completion of the admission application packet, it is ultimately the responsibility of the parent to return all of the required forms and student information before an admission decision can be made. Once the admission application packet is complete, the applicants’ file will be forwarded to the Admission Committee for review. 

Admission decisions are based on the strength of each applicant’s overall application compared with the overall pool of applicants.

Apply Online

Program Options

Option #1

  • Meet with an advisor one hour per week.
  • Parent does not meet Washington State requirement for homeschooling

Option #2

  • Meet with an academic advisor less than one hour per week or monthly.
  • Parent meets Washington State requirement for homeschooling

General Costs

  • *Application Fee: $100.00
  • *Continuous Re-enrollment Fee:  $100.00/year per student
  • *New Family Enrollment Fee: $300.00 one time
  • *Services/Processing Fee payable to the advisor:
    • $125.00 for returning students  (per year/per student)
    • $150.00 for new students
  • *Advisor Fee: $60.00/hour
  • *Tuition payable to CPCS: $300.00 or $500.00/year (depending on the program option)

* Two classes may be taken on campus, with administrator approval/space permitting. Fee is 1/6 of on-campus tuition per class/per month. CPCS sports are available for IS students.

If you have any questions or need further assistance, please contact Kay McIntosh, Independent Study Administrator, at (425) 488-9778 or via email

Step 1.

Parents/Legal Guardian(s) will complete an online application for the student and pay the $100 application fee upon submission, with the remaining amount due prior to scheduling the interview (view the I-20 international student fees in the third tab of the tuition page).

If you need to email documents, please email them to Jody Speck. Please include with the application:

  • Copy of birth certificate/family registry (translated)
  • Completed Immunization Form
  • Copy of their previous year’s report card
  • High school transcript (if applicable)
  • English equivalency test results
  • Bank statement (translated)
  • Copy of any current I-20 (if a transfer student)
  • Copy of the student’s passport and VISA

If the student will not be living with a parent, then we require legal custodianship/guardianship documentation (see sample documentation forms here). CPCS requires that the student reside with the Legal Guardian(s) and that the Legal Guardian(s) sign all required application and financial paperwork.

Step 2.

Once we have received a completed application packet, a formal family interview will be scheduled, requiring the attendance of the student and their parents, the Legal Guardian(s), and an interpreter if necessary.

Step 3.

When a student is accepted, all tuition for the school year must be paid and is non-refundable, along with the New Family fee and Materials fee. Early payment discounts do not apply. When the tuition and all fees have cleared the School Finance Office, the School will be in a position to issue an I-20.
Parents must also arrange for students to have adequate medical insurance in place for their students while living in the United States.

Please Note:  If parents and students determine that a change in guardianship is necessary at any time, the parents must provide a 30 day written notice prior to the change and schedule an interview with the new guardian, the campus administrator and the international director.
Notice of change to US residential address and phone contact information must be submitted to CPCS within 10 days of the change in order to comply with Immigration and Naturalization Service.

If you have any questions or need further assistance, please contact Jody Speck at (425) 774-7773 or via email.

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Contact our Admissions team for more information on how to apply