While we maintain the importance of a Christian worldview, all curriculum at Cedar Park Christian Schools meets the very best educational standards and best practices which are taught in a manner that prepares students for future academic challenges.
The Bible is the revealed Word of God, His message to man. Through Bible classes, the student is taught to read and study the Scriptures for himself. The student is also challenged to make a wholehearted commitment to Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord.
The Bible classes are designed to give the student a working knowledge of the entire Bible and help him develop a Christian worldview. The student comes to understand the major Bible doctrines and learns to express them clearly with Biblical support. Each student is guided in thinking through why they believe what they do and gains experience in articulating the reasons for his or her faith. They are also encouraged to share their faith with others.
9th & 10th Grades:
Life of Christ
“Introducing Jesus” by Mark Strauss.
A Study of the Gospels and emphasis on the apologetics defense of Jesus, the NT and the resurrection.
Biblical Foundations
“Grasping God’s Word” by Duvall and Hays.
Learning to read, interpret and rightly apply God’s word, various selections of Scripture
11th & 12th Grades:
Biblical Studies
“OT & NT Survey” by Norman Geisler.
A study of both testaments with the emphasis on how Scripture tells one, consistent story.
Systematic Theology
“Evangelical Theology” by Michael Bird.
Understanding doctrines, both essential and secondary, with the inclusion of various applications of apologetics and church history.

The Cedar Park Christian English department believes that an understanding of the beauty and power of language will enable our students to embrace their Christian responsibility to be speakers and writers of truth. Our curriculum focuses on establishing cultural literacy, enhancing critical thinking, and developing a Christian theistic worldview. The four-year course of study, which includes all genres of literature, prepares the students to meet the rigors of future academic work. Coursework for each year includes the fundamentals of reading comprehension, vocabulary building, and composition.
Through the study of Mathematics, more of the character of God is revealed: His orderliness through the study of algebra and geometry; His immutability (unchanging nature) through computing and solving equations; and His omniscience (all-knowing nature), through studying differential calculus and the structure of the complex number system.

Students begin to understand the history of the world, its people, and examine the collective past and how it interacts with the ever changing present. Through a Biblical lens, students explore patterns of human and environmental interaction through history, geography, political science, economics, and current events, fostering an awareness of the interconnectedness of these disciplines. History courses are structured in a way that will promote collaboration, problem-solving and critical thinking skills while wrestling with the major issues of our time in hopes that students will continue to develop a greater desire to impact our world for Christ.
The science department at Cedar Park Christian School strives to teach and show the glory of God in all of the created order. Through their studies in our science courses students will learn about the ways that God holds all things together (Col. 1:16-17) and in doing so our hope is that their faith would be strengthened and their praise of Him would increase (Ps. 139:14). We also strive to equip students for success in future science endeavors so they can faithfully fulfill the Creation Mandate as they take care of God’s creation (Gen. 1:28) and so they are able to better defend their faith (2 Cor. 10:5).

Foreign Language
Our Cedar Park Christian Foreign Language department believes that an understanding of the richness and power of multiple languages will enable students to embrace their Christian responsibility to be God honoring speakers, worshippers, writers and disciples of truth. Our curriculum focuses on establishing vocabulary, grammar structure, writing and comprehending language and cultures in a biblical worldview. Coursework for each year includes the fundamentals of reading comprehension, vocabulary building, composition and culture.
Health and Fitness
Physical education is the study of the total person: spiritual, mental, emotional, and social, as well as physical.
Through the study of physical education, the student has an increased awareness of how the body functions and develops. The student learns how to deal with stress through individual and team competition. Exposure to many sports enables the student to select those activities that will later enhance his life.

Electives are designed to provide opportunities for students to acquire understanding and skills in the practical, real life areas of daily living. Through these courses, the student gains an appreciation for creativity and develops a sense of accomplishment through the step-by-step completion of a project.
Some of these courses include: Yearbook, Media/Marketing, Business, Leadership, Teachers aide, cooking, computer science, web design, game design and more. (Please see the course catalog for more information)
Our fine and performing art classes provide the opportunity for students to develop artistic knowledge and skills that encourage a lasting love for Jesus, music and the arts. Our hope is to motivate and educate students through the art of performing, and cultivate leadership and lifelong skills. With our school focus on the Gospel transforming lives, we prepare students to offer their artistic gifts to lead people to redemption and hope found in Jesus.