Our Academic Mission
“Sanctify them by the truth; your word is truth.”
– John 17:17
“Every word of God proves true; he is a shield to those who take refuge in him.”
-Proverbs 30:5
Christ Centered
Cedar Park Christian Schools put Jesus at the center of all we do. This commitment drives our pursuit of excellence in the classroom and the way we conduct ourselves individually as learners and in our communities.

We teach our students to work at their very best level with integrity and determination while still celebrating the diverse ways in which students learn, achieve and thrive. Yet we also emphasize community, knowing we learn and grow best together, looking out not merely for our own interests but also the interests of others (Philippians 2:4).
Personal connections with students are a priority for support and growth. Grade level teachers work together to integrate curriculum allowing students to successively progress through their formative years.

College Preparatory
Cedar Park Christian Schools provides an academically diligent program, grounded in biblical truth, that prepares students for the highest levels of academic performance and leadership in college and in life.
Our College Prep classes are intellectually challenging and developmentally appropriate. Honors and Concurrent Credit (CC) classes provide college-level content and requirements that keep advanced and highly motivated students engaged and thriving.